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  • joshuagrahame

How to Combat Gym Anxiety - 7 Top Tips

So you are serious about your fitness journey and you want to tackle the ever-present gym anxiety. Here we will show you how with 7 actionable tips. 

What is gym anxiety?

Feeling anxious is natural. It is a feeling we have when we step outside our comfort zones and into unfamiliar territory. That step into the world of health and fitness is scary but can be life changing and all too often your own mind can stop you from reaping the benefits of exercise. 

A male and female at the gym

And why on earth should you listen to me? 

I am the Co-Founder and CEO of Jump into Motion. A startup passionate about fostering fitness journeys. I personally credit fitness with changing my life, it has been the foundation upon which I have built everything else. For me fitness is more than physical, it is mental. It is an outlet for all life's stresses. I want to share this with you and allow you to embark on a fitness journey of your own.

Tip 1: Start slow and set goals

Standing at the foot of the mountain can feel daunting as can starting your fitness journey. It is essential to start slow and set achievable goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Instead of diving head first into advanced and intense workouts, take smaller steps towards your fitness aspirations. Begin with realistic and attainable goals for yourself and your unique fitness journey. This could be as little as taking a 30 min walk 3 times a week! As you start to accomplish these initial goals, you can gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. This ensures you have a stack of wins under your belt early and thus you can maintain motivation and your goals advance. This removes the feeling of dread often caused by a lack of progression towards insurmountable goals which often results in gym anxiety. 

It is also crucial to celebrate your progress along the way - whatever that progress might be. Whether it’s the completion of your first workout or a new personal best, acknowledging your achievements allows you to gain momentum in your fitness journey. Remember, it is a marathon not a sprint, be kind and patient with yourself and celebrate each milestone you reach. Consistency kills and you will reach your goals provided you continue to put one foot in front of the other. 

Tip 2: Have a plan!

Walking into a gym without a plan is very overwhelming and often leads to aimless wandering and uncertainty around what to do. This is why having a structured program is key for beginners. Before you head to the gym, do some research about what exercises, routines and techniques align with your personal goals and experience level. You can find a multitude of resources online and could even consider consulting with an industry professional (more on that in tip 8)!

Tip 3: Familiarise yourself

Stepping into the gym for the first time can feel like a foreign environment, filled with unfamiliar equipment and intimidating surroundings. You may feel unsure about how to use each piece of equipment, concerned about where everything is or worried about looking lost or silly. This is a totally valid feeling. This is why it is essential to familiarise yourself with the gym before beginning your first workout. You should consider asking for a tour of the gym. These are often offered to all new members as standard but I am sure any standard gym would be happy to give you a tour of the facilities free of charge. This will allow your to explore the facility and amenities on offer as well as working out if it is the right gym for you! 

During your tour, pay attention to the layout of the gym, the locations of various equipment and any additional features such as locker rooms, showers or group fitness studios. Take advantage of this opportunity to ask any questions you may have on the establishment, the equipment or anything else. By familiarising yourself with the gym environment beforehand, you will feel far more confident and comfortable when it is time to begin your workout.

Tip 4: Focus on form and technique 

When starting a new exercise program, it is tempting to focus solely on lifting heavy weights or pushing yourself to the limit. However, prioritising proper form and technique is crucial, especially for beginners. Performing exercises incorrectly not only increases risk of injury but decreases the effectiveness of your workout. Developing your form is also an easy way to build familiarity in the gym. Try to become comfortable with the movements you will be utilising to achieve your goals before you start to lift heavier weights. Always remember - if you are unsure, ask for help! People love to share knowledge in the gym and help each other out. This can be an easy way to make some friends in the gym and reduce your anxiety further. 

Tip 5: Wear what make you comfortable

Comfort is key. Wearing clothing that makes you feel comfortable and confident can significantly improve your workout experience and performance. Consider choosing breathable and light fabrics that allow for ease of movement and keep you cool during exercise. Avoid clothing which restricts movement or causes discomfort and opt for footwear that provides adequate support and cushioning for your chosen activities. Ultimately your choice of outfit is up to you, wear whatever makes you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. This will allow you to focus on your workout and thus maximise your results.

Tip 6: Focus on yourself

In the gym, it is easy to get caught up in comparing yourself with others and feeling self conscious about your appearance or abilities. Remember - comparison is the thief of joy. It is important to recognise that everyone is on their own journey and everyone's progress is unique to them. Consider also that everyone is concerned by themselves, they feel like you! Who is looking at me? Who is judging me? Everyone is thinking the same. The gym is a safe space and in the best way possible - no one cares what you are doing.

Additionally, try to cultivate a positive mindset and attitude towards exercise. Instead of viewing workouts as a chore or punishment, reframe them as an opportunity to invest in your health and well-being. Find activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good, whether it's dancing, cycling, yoga, or weightlifting. By focusing on yourself and your own journey, you'll build confidence, resilience, and a sense of empowerment that will carry you through your fitness endeavours. 

Tip 7: Find a personal trainer

This final tip can really be the key to success. A personal trainer's purpose is to guide you in your journey and they can help to inspire the application of all the tips above. They can set your goals with you, make you a plan, help you become familiar with the gym, instruct you on form and technique, even give you guidance on what to wear and help you think positively about the gym and your relationship with fitness. Their support and guidance in the gym can really make the difference. They can play the role of a mentor, friend and confidant all-in-one and with the right personal trainer, you can be sure to reach whatever fitness goal you desire. 

Two women celebrating in the gym

What should you take away?

Gym anxiety is real and normal but there are many ways to tackle it. By implementing these 7 tips you can be sure to tackle this anxiety and therefore start your fitness journey with confidence.


Josh :)

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