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  • joshuagrahame

The Ultimate Guide: 7 Actionable Steps to Boost Client Retention for Personal Trainers

Updated: Apr 29

So you are a personal trainer wanting to level up your income. One of the most overlooked tips on this is your client retention. 

Let me explain why. 

Client retention increases the lifetime value (LTV) of your clients. This means that instead of chasing new clients constantly you can actually make more by focussing on the clients you have. 

But why should you listen to me? 

I am the co-founder and CEO of Jump into Motion. A start-up passionate about helping trainers and we are building an innovative marketplace with you in mind. After building a fitness account on tiktok to just over 50K followers I worked as an online trainer myself and to be truly honest, struggled, despite my immense passion. I went on to drop it all to go to university and pursue a more corporate future. I then worked in the industry as the general manager of a premium independent gym which refuelled my passion for everything fitness. During the course of my role at JIM, I have interviewed over 100 personal trainers succeeding in the industry, travelling the world and coaching online to understand how they do it and why all the rest are left struggling on the gym floor. I want to help you do the same. 

Here are the 7 key tips high income PTs are using to boost their client retention. 

(Look out for the extra bonus tips!)


One: Establish Clear Goals and Expectations

One of the key reasons for the loss of clients is loss of motivation. When clients come to you first they will feel a rush of motivation and energy to get their fitness journey started, we’ve all been there and we all know this eventually passes. It can be easy to latch onto this to make an easy sale, while this is important, you must also employ some honesty. During your initial consultation you should set clear, achievable goals together with the client as well as establishing the expectations for progress, communication and commitment so neither of you are disappointed and their true potential is reached. The goals should be set under the SMART framework: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. Clear SMART goals provide direction and motivation for a client, increasing their likelihood of staying engaged and committed. 


Don’t just set one big goal for a client. Set lots of small ones. Create a road-map for success with little goals each week or month. Always remember, standing at the foot of the mountain is scary, so is starting your fitness journey. Your job as a PT is to make that easier for them.

A table illustrating the SMART target framework


Two: Personalise, Personalise, Personalise

Personalisation is everything for a client. In order for them to truly achieve success they must have tailored workouts and programs. This not only allows for the tangible success PTs strive for but also allows your client to feel valued and understood (More on that in tip three). High income trainers show true interest in their clients. We have all seen the rise in social media influencers selling generic plans but this is just a fad, it doesn't promise true recurring income. Consider personalising based on the clients age, training experience, body type and composition, preferences, mobility, schedule and almost anything else you feel is unique about them and their situation.


Three: Communicate Regularly and Effectively 

Just like in any relationship, clients want to feel listened to, understood and valued. Often this is part of the reason they seek a trainer in the first place. When coaching online especially you must maintain open and consistent communication with your client in line with the expectations set in tip one. You should aim to check in regularly to assess progress, address concerns and provide encouragement. If you do take the digital only approach you should utilise communication methods such as messaging and video calls - as provided by the Jump into Motion mobile and web app ;). While we step into this world of tech successful PTs make sure to hold onto the essence of personal training - the personality. Your human touch is truly what makes your services special and regular communication can maintain and build this. 


Four: Add Value

The best trainers always give far more than they ask. This is the case in all businesses - you must provide value to beget value. But how can we make this actionable? Going above and beyond for your clients is a necessity to stand out. This may include nutritional guidance and meal planning, access to exclusive workout videos or educational workshops. One way I have been recommended is aiding your clients in their wellness journey more widely, be willing to discuss and help in all areas of self-improvement. This will create an unrivalled level of service and will for sure boost your client happiness and thus retention.


Five: Celebrate Milestones and Achievement

Now, this one may seem obvious but it's a key point all too many trainers miss out on. You must celebrate your clients success loudly, no matter how small. Let them know how proud you are of their milestone and achievements - sing it from the rooftops if you have to. Depending on the client and the specific milestone this may come in different forms but it cannot be disputed that positive reinforcement and praise are key tools in a trainer’s toolbox. Deploying this tip can boost morale, motivation and client satisfaction.


Make it public. People love to be praised in public. Consider making a client shout-out series on your social media, this lets them feel appreciated and prompts them to share with their friends and family. This not only makes the client happy but also causes free referrals and an easy social media idea to drive requests for your services. 


Six: Foster a Supportive Community

Advanced trainers should consider making a community of their clients. This means that they not only get access to you but also get access to a supportive community of those on a similar journey at various stages. It offers the chance for your more beginner clients to learn from those who are more advanced but also allows your more advanced clients to teach all they have learnt from you - they say the best way to learn is to teach. This also builds the credibility that you have a track record of success. Your newest clients can hear directly from all the clients that have succeeded under your watchful guidance. 


Seven: Welcome Feedback and Act on it 

High achievers in every walk of life are students first. They welcome feedback and they know it is the most valuable information you can learn to improve at your craft. The greatest barrier to this however is ego - your ego will prevent you from truly hearing constructive criticism and as a result you can never grow. Instead of disputing the feedback you should actively welcome and seek it. You should consistently ask for feedback from each client on what is going well and what could be improved from your service. The final essential step, of course, is to act on it. Action is what begets results. This will not only make your clients again feel listened to and valued but also improve your service for all future clients.


So what should you take away?

Applying these seven steps will boost your client retention just like these high income trainers have before. This is a surefire way to stand out in the industry and begin the journey to self employment and leave behind the long days on the gym floor.

The knock on effect of this is that you gain more clients through word of mouth and get better ratings and reviews. 

Before you know it, acquisition becomes easy and you even become oversubscribed!

At Jump into Motion, we want to help you achieve this.


Josh :)

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